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5 Ways to Fast Track Online Tax Reporting

5 Reasons You Need a Mortgage Advisor as a Landlord


1. Whole of Market Review

Most mortgage advisors can review all offers from all providers. Much better than your Bank or Building Society.

2. Nuances of Processes

They will also know what providers are easiest to get Further Advances from so make sure you give them your full plans.

3. Other Finance Options

A lot of mortgage providers will be able to suggest bridging or other products that might be suitable.

4. Get Great Advice

Newbie? Make sure your mortgage advisor has property investments in order to get the best advice.

5. Switch and Save

Switching once a fixed rate is finished can save you a lot of money. Most mortgage advisors will do this for free.

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Legacy Planning can be complicated… time to stop researching and start doing!

Vikki Baptie

NRLA Accredited Landlord and IPW Professional Will Writer

I’m Vikki, the founder of Legacy Guardians. I hope this article was helpful, but I can probably guess that it’s about time that you stopped researching and got on with getting everything in order.

I know how it can be hard juggling everything with 15 properties, 3 kids, 1 dog, 1 Property Business and another couple of trading businesses things like succession and legacy planning usually go on the backburner. (thank goodness for my business & life partner Shaun!)

Take back your time, and gain that all important financial peace of mind by working through my Landlord Legacy Framework.